Let’s Get #Organised: 6 Apps That Will Help You Keep On Top Of Things

Want to know what you should be downloading this month? Here's the inside scoop!

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As we get closer and closer to waving goodbye and god bless to 2020, Denise Curtin is sharing some of her favourite apps for helping to keep her life in check when staying on top of things and planning ahead.


If you don’t have a period tracker already, you either a) have an extremely constant cycle or b) have the memory of an elephant. But for me however, and the millions of women who use Flo, the app basically does all the work for us, recording ovulation, period symptoms and daily data at the touch of a button. It’s no surprise Flo is uber popular with over 140 million downloads, the app is super nifty for even doing things like monitoring your discharge, water intake and birth control, as well as working as a pregnancy tracker if and when you need it.

Plus, did we mention, the app was co-created by over 80 health professionals, so you knew you’re in good hands.


If you spent your teenage years creating mood boards, pinning celebrity photos to your wall or writing out aspirational lists, then Trello is the grown-up app you’re going to love for achieving your goals, both big and small. Trello works by using a system of boards and cards which you can edit, label and colour code to help you conquer tasks in a more visually appealing manner. I love using Trello because you can also attach photos, documents and notes to your to-do lists, keeping all your bits in one nifty place and saving you from stressing when searching for files.


If you’ve ever dreamed of having your own personal assistant, someone who reminds you you’ve got “a 3 o’clock” and tells you you’ve got to ring Karen at 6pm and head out for dinner with your dad at 9pm, 24me will be your new BFF.

The extremely popular app works by combining everything related to your schedule and popping it into one place. We’re talking your calendar, to-do list, social media and various personal accounts you want to connect. You can also pop reminders directly into the app too, so you never miss an errand, meeting or bill that’s due ever again.

24me is basically there to keep you on track so you can get on top. My favourite feature? The app even has smart alerts built letting you know about traffic and weather conditions, for when we all *eventually* head back into the office. Ideal!

Unfold – Story Maker 

Want to elevate your Instagram game for your business or personal brand? Unfold is one of the many apps I absolutely adore for creating beautiful Instagram Stories. The app consists of over 250 templates meaning it’s got the graphics sorted, all you got to do is provide the content.

What I love about Unfold is it also comes packed with loads of different text fonts so your images will stand out from the crowd when they don’t feature the typical Instagram choices. Plus, it’s got some seriously slick frames for videos and you can capture and edit your content directly in the app using the Unfold camera.

Stop, Think & Breathe 

When it comes to mindfulness, I’ll be honest and tell you I’ve downloaded a lot of apps in this department. Many, however, proved to be a little underwhelming with lengthy memberships and large fees, but one app I found extremely pleasant was Stop, Think & Breathe. At a time when a lot of us are feeling more anxious than ever before, this app provides over 20 free meditations tailored to how you’re feeling that day. If you’re like me, and find some nights particularly hard to get to sleep, Stop, Think & Breathe also has some short guided chats for that which I’d recommend giving it a go.

The app also comes recommend by the Oprah Magazine and The Today Show as well as a growing fanbase of 4.5 million subscribers.

Stand Up! The Work Break Timer

Part of keeping organised is making sure both you’re body and mind are in tune with your busy life schedule. Taking proper care of yourself is important to help you feel motivated and during a hectic working day, it’s important to remember to take breaks to give yourself a minute to breathe. With office jobs and the WFH sitch, our daily movement has been reduced massively. There’s no commuting or rushing around the office, coffee breaks on another floor or meetings at another office, now it’s all bedroom to kitchen and vice versa. Therefore, reminding yourself you need to move, stretch and take a break is key.

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Stand Up is an extremely simple app that does what it says on the tin. It can be customised to your work schedule, reminding you to get off that dining room chair, and stretch your legs at intervals throughout the day. You don’t need to tell us twice!

All these apps are available from the App and Play stores on Apple and android devices. 
