Lost An Item At Electric Picnic? The Rules Are A Bit Different This Year

Here's what to do if you've lost a phone or wallet. As for your dignity, we can't help there.

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Rain, mud, crowds and alcohol aren’t the best combination when it comes to keeping track of your phone or wallet, so don’t feel too bad if you came home from Electric Picnic missing a few items.ย You’re definitely not the only one.

If you have a fair idea that your iPhone 5 has been sitting in a puddle near the Main Stage for the past three days, then it might be time to offer it up to the phone gods and buy a new one. But if your phone or walletย was misplaced somewhere that it’s likely to have been kept dry – at a food stand or bar, for example – there’s a chance it might be a-okay.

Unlike other years, for 2016 the Electric Picnic organisers have taken charge of the lost-and-found operations, rather than the local Gardaรญ at Stradbally. If you’ve lost an item, you can log the details here on the dedicated page.

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Be sure to include as many distinguishing features as possible when describing your lost item. It might seem excessive, but “white Samsung Galaxy S6 with small crack on bottom left of screen, a picture of a black dog as the screensaver” is more likely to be a winner than “white Samsung phone.” In the case of phones, you’ll also be asked to include details like passcodes, IMEI numbers and the actual phone number, so be sure to have those to hand.

You’ll only be contacted by EP if your lost item is located, but if you want to double-check yourself, you can head along to the lost items open day at Stradbally Garda Station this Saturday September 10th between 9am and 9pm.

Good luck!
