Love Island: Chaos Reigns After Dramatic Game and Bombshell Entrance

Love Island is going into overdrive tonight with things getting tense.

Never Have I Ever started off as a fun game with the Islanders but things quickly took a turn for the worst.

Harriett ends up in tears following a clash with Ciarán after he suggested she hasn’t been a first choice yet.

Harriett tearfully asks Matilda: “Why has he just embarrassed me?”

Pic: ITV

Grace responds “This is your journey and it’s fine that it’s been this way. Ronnie straight away was like ‘No, she’s the first option.’”

But Ciarán is quick to defend himself as he tells the others: “She said her piece, I said my piece, leave it.”

Later speaking privately to Nicole, he adds: “I said what I meant, I’m not apologising for it.”

Harriett tells Grace and Matilda: “If I was Nicole I’d be so embarrassed. I’m not talking to him ever again.”

Pic: ITV

Ronnie then tells Harriett: “There’s no-one in this world that should make you cry. You’re here having the best experience ever and you’re going to shed a tear over what? Nothing. So just keep being you and stop crying.”

But there’s more drama as the bombshells start making moves with Joey and Jessy getting closer.

Jessy admits: “[There’s] not anyone I’d completely rule out, other than Ciaran. I think he’s the only one that’s completely closed off.”

To which Joey replies: “I feel like I gave you quite open.”

Pic: ITV

Jessy says: “You gave me open. Grace gave me closed for you. But I feel like that’s between you two.”

Joey explains: “With me and Grace, we’re close. We actually get on, there’s real feelings there, all that. But it would be silly to just close things off. I want to get to know you more. That date last night was literally the best date. Would you like to go on another date?”

Jessy admits: “I didn’t expect you to be chasing me though Joey… switched that up completely.”

However, we’re not sure how that will sit with Grace who admits to Joey: “It’s difficult for me to sit here and be like, ‘You do what you need to do, if you feel like you need to explore something with someone else, I’ll just sit here and wait.’ I’m not going to do that Joey.

“But I don’t get it, are you still wanting to get to know her. If you are, then I don’t want to be involved…”

Seemingly unbothered, Joey says: “I can’t not get to know this girl.. I just feel like if I didn’t I would be silly.”

However, a celebrity guest drops by the villa to get the Islanders in much better form!

But the night isn’t over as Nicole gets another text…

Love Island continues tonight on Virgin Media 2 at 9pm.

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