Meet This Year’s Casa Amor Girls


Diamanté Laiva

Age: 21

Lives: London

Job: Natural beauty business owner

What kind of Islander are you going to be?

I have so many different moods, I can’t even describe to you what kind of person I am for starters. If I have a problem with something, whoever it is, I’ll tell them right then and there. I don’t feel the need to whisper behind someone’s back.

What do the other Islanders need to know about you?

I’m straightforward, I plan to be very flirty, at the end of the day, it’s Love Island! I won’t really be much of a girls’ girl, otherwise I’d go make friends and I wouldn’t be on Love Island.

What’s the number one thing you look for in a partner?

He has to be a real man, not just a boy in a man’s body, he should handle things like a man should. I like a man who likes to take control over the relationship, but not too much. A mature man.

Who do you have your eye on in the Villa?

Wil; he gives that energy like he’s got something to him. He’s not opened up yet. I feel like he’s waiting for me to arrive, he just doesn’t know it yet. So he’s been reserving himself. But I do like them a bit reserved. I don’t like a man who’s too over excited and ‘talk, talk, talk’ – it gives me the ick. Joey has started to grow on me… Ciaran does take my fancy as well, we’re similar age and he is quite mature for his age and I like a man with an accent.

Tell us something you’d put on your dating profile

If you give me the ick once, I’m blocking you. Without warning as well. I reached the limit of blocking people…over 500 combined I think.

Lucy Graybill

Age: 26

Lives: Glasgow

Job: Retail Store Manager

What kind of Islander are you going to be?

I am always honest and speak my mind but I’ll definitely be someone that Islanders can come to for support.

What do the other Islanders need to know about you?

I’m not afraid to pull the boys. We are all there for the same reasons but I will go about it in a respectful way, staying true to myself.

What’s the number one thing you look for in a partner?

They have got to be good looking but also need great banter. I like to wind my partner up and have some fun. I want someone who can be my best friend as well as my boyfriend.

Who do you have your eye on in the Villa?

Ciaran and Wil are both my front runners at the moment so I am looking forward to going in there, getting to know them and assess the energy. Hopefully I can swoop in at the right time.

Tell us something you’d put on your dating profile

I need a boy who can park my car for me! If you’re good behind the wheel you’re in with a chance.

Ellie Jackson

Age: 22

Lives: Cardiff

Job: Senior Executive Assistant

What kind of Islander are you going to be?

I can guarantee I will make everyone in the Villa laugh but at the same time, I do have a fiery personality. My friends would say I am a little chaotic.

What do the other Islanders need to know about you?

They need to know that I have zero filter and am not afraid to call someone out if I do not agree with something. I am a little bubble of weirdness!

What’s the number one thing you look for in a partner?

Loyalty is number one, but also being family oriented is special to me.

Who do you have your eye on in the Villa?

I have chatted to Ciaran in the past and am looking forward to reconnecting with him in Casa Amor.

Wil and Sean also seem like great guys, so I would be up for getting to know them both a little better.

Tell us something you’d put on your dating profile

I love a boy who can cook and has a dog. I love a wholesome, down to earth boy.

Jessica Spencer

Age: 25

Lives: London

Job: Fashion Stylist

What kind of Islander are you going to be?

I’m funny, flirty, sassy and ready to find love.

What do the other Islanders need to know about you?

I don’t take myself too seriously and am good at going with the flow, but I only have a short time in Casa Amor so I am ready to find the one.

What’s the number one thing you look for in a partner?

Good communication and honesty. They are both incredibly important traits to me.

Who do you have your eye on in the Villa?

I have my eyes on Ayo, despite his connection with Mimii. I fancy Ayo so much.

Wil also seems like a catch and someone I want to explore a connection with.

Tell us something you’d put on your dating profile

If you don’t like pasta, we can’t be a thing. I could eat pasta for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Ruby Dale 

Age: 23

Lives: Surrey

Job: Social media content creator

What kind of Islander are you going to be?

I am going to be a very dramatic Islander, a very loud Islander and a very entertaining Islander.

What do the other Islanders need to know about you?

I always get what I want.

What’s the number one thing you look for in a partner?

A brain.

Who do you want to couple up with?

Wil seems kind and intelligent. He seems lovely.

Tell us something about yourself that you’d put on a dating profile…

5ft 2 and looking for a husband?!

Emma Milton

Age: 30

Lives: Manchester

Job: Fashion Content Creator

Why Love Island and why now?

I have travelled around the world, I have partied, I’ve been crazy but I feel like now I am at a stage in my life where I’m ready to find someone.

What will you bring to the Villa?

I am ready to bring my fashion and looks into the Villa. I’m a really good communicator and always ready to give good advice to help someone.

I tend to be able to help everyone else but myself because when it comes to my love life, I can never take my own advice! I am such a Gemini – I go from one extreme to the other.

What makes you a catch?

I’m confident, which I think is very attractive. My friends say I have an aura about me. I’m not afraid to pull boys for chats and I know what I want.

What’s the number one thing you look for in a partner?

A boy needs to be secure in themselves and know who they are, there is nothing more attractive to me.

Who do you have your eye on in the Villa?

I had a brief thing with Joey a few years ago. We’ve been friends for years and I would be open to reconnecting with Joey. We get on really well and we have a lot of mutual friends. I am also friends with Grace in Manchester, so it’s a little bit awkward.

Love Island continues tonight on Virgin Media 2 at 9pm.

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