#MyFitJourney: Week 4, Am I Doing Enough?

STELLAR's Genevieve is doing four reformer Pilates classes a week for six weeks. Here's how she got on during week four.


Last week, (you can catch up on weeks one, two and three here, by the way) I saw an acute rise in the difficulty of my classes with my trainer Annie. They got a lot more advanced which was great. I was in London for the weekend so we actually did five classes, instead of the usual four before I headed off.

So what changes have I noticed now that we’re into week four? I continue to see a massive improvement in my stability and flexibility, and my back bends have improved tenfold. My body has really loosened up and I’m able to move it in ways that I haven’t ever been able to before. I think that Pilates and Yoga are the only forms of exercise that are going to do that for you. If you have any sort of injury, I couldn’t recommend Pilates any higher.

Before I started Pilates, I’d been going to the gym four times a week and mostly running on the treadmill or doing a stint on the cross trainer. Because I’m now doing so many classes, I haven’t gone to the gym at all. You do work up such a sweat in Annie’s classes but for keeping your weight down, I think you need to incorporate some high-intensity cardio too.


Without a doubt I can see definition in my arms but I’m nervous that my after photograph isn’t going to be as spectacular as I hoped. I think for the next two weeks, I’m going to have to work extremely hard so I see the results that I had set out to achieve. It’s always tough to stick to a healthy regime when you go abroad and I did try my best, but when you’re on your holidays, you do tend to let yourself slip. There was a lot of drinking, a lot of brunching (Beef Wellington, yum!) and some croissants and chocolates thrown into the mix too. I’m getting my head back down now for the final haul.

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Annie Says

“Genevieve has excelled this week, her progress has been unbelievable. She managed so many advance versions of the exercises and the major increase in intensity. She’s super determined which makes her a dream to teach. Her arms were our main aim last week, and we have done the ground work in her shoulder stability and mobility. We can see the difference in her strength and tone and now we’re focusing on getting the amazing results we set out to get.”

Psst! Wanna follow in Genevieve’s footsteps? We’ve got 50 pilates classes with Platinum Pilates up for grabs here
