Trending 1st July 2020 by Adele Miner
Ray D’Arcy Has Finally Responded To Those Upset Niall Horan Fans
This has gone TOO far
Legendary TV presenter Ray D’Arcy has finally responded to angry Niall Horan fans, who have been sending angry messages to both him and Dustin The Turkey over the last week.
Yes, I’m just as surprised as you are that the above line is actual reality.
In case you missed it, on Friday Niall Horan performed on The Den as part of RTE’s Comic Relief. Mid performance Dustin The Turkey butted in to stop Niall from continuing on with his performance, joking that they actually wanted Harry Styles to perform instead.
Now, anyone familiar with Dustin The Turkey and his antics would look at that scene and see absolutely nothing wrong with it, you’d giggle, in fact. But, Niall Horan fans across the pond in America didn’t exactly see the funny side of things, and took to social media to tear down Dustin and Ray, demanding that they and the Irish public respect Niall.
i really cant believe this i mean he was singing and enjoying his time and then randomly they interrupted him to compare him with another artist thats just rude and disrespectful im so mad at rn seriously wtf🤬 #RespectNiall #respectniallhoran
— ✨Francy Malik Payne Tomlinson Horan Styles✨ (@FranciaStyles) June 28, 2020
Probably sick of the hate he’s receiving, Ray D’Arcy has spoken out about the incident, assuring everyone that Niall is respected and was absolutely on board with the skit.
Speaking on his Podcast, Ray said:
“I doubt that any of them [Niall’s fans] are listening to this but if they are… firstly, Niall will tell them himself, it was pre-recorded so we weren’t being rude to him live, and we had a very limited amount of time.”
“Niall, more than anybody, is up for the craic. He wanted to do The Den, he really did because he was given anything, he could do anything.”
Continuing on to say that Niall had free reign of how he wanted to appear on the show, Ray added:
“They [the producers] actually went to him and said, ‘Niall Horan you are a planetary star. We are so proud of you. What do you want to do?’”
Ray’s wife Jenny then said: “And then the child in him spoke, ‘I want to be on The Den,’”
With Ray answering: “Yes and he did Talent on the Telly.”
“That won’t make any difference to his fans because they’ll be a lot more upset than Niall ever will be.”
And upset they are. But hey, maybe this will clear things up just a little bit?
We always knew Nialler would be one for the craic.
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