Ayo Goes To The Hideaway & Matilda’s Questioning Things On Love Island Tonight


Well, that was fast.

Casa Amor has been in full swing about 48 hours and already, Ayo is making mad moves.

On tonight’s episode, he decides to bring new girl Jess to the hideaway. Wow.

Emma says: “They had a fire pit to sit at but they chose the hideaway. What does that say about the situation?”

Sitting together in the hideaway Jess tells Ayo: “I don’t envy your position, I understand you’ve got a situation and there’ll be a lot going on in your head.”

Yeah, clearly.

In Casa, Matilda’s being forced to question her relationship with Sean.

Hugo tells her: “It seems like a bit of a one way sexual thing, that’s the vibe I get. It seems like the sexual chemistry’s not there.”

Matilda asks: “On whose side?” Hugo says: “Your side.”

Matilda asks: “You just don’t think I fancy him?” Hugo replies: “Nah. The compliments you give him are cute. Am I wrong?”

Uma is also questioning her current couple with Wil, as Blade asks her: “Do you see yourself exploring other options?”

Uma replies: “I think it’s too early to say. In the Villa my connection with Wil is quite far developed, so it’s quite difficult to say. If there’s a strong connection with someone and it’s stronger than that connection then I think it’s only smart to do that for yourself.”

Blade replies: “You want to make sure that’s being reciprocated from the other person’s end.”

Uma asks: “Do you feel like that’s not reciprocated?”

Blade replies: “In my honest opinion no… his eyes were elsewhere other than you, where they should be, and rightly so. I think I’ve made it clear I’ve had my eyes on you even from the get go. I do feel like we go well together, we look good together. You know that’s facts. I just feel like it’s something that should be beared in mind.”

First up, the tallest boy is dared to kiss the girl he fancies the most.

When Casa finds out the main Villa have won and Ayo has snogged someone called Jess, Mimii admits: “I feel sick.”

When the boy with the most tattoos is asked to snog the girl he fancies, Hugo picks Jess.

Jess says later: “I’ll be completely honest I wasn’t thinking about Trey in that game.”

When the youngest boy is asked to kiss who he fancies, and Nicole works out it’s Ciaran –  who wins by kissing Emma.

Nicole asks: “Why does he fancy Emma so much then?”

After the game, Hugo pulls Jess for a chat in Casa Amor. Hugo tells her: “The kiss was good I reckon we can do better…”

After they share a kiss, Hugo says: “I actually loved that kiss. Better than in the game.”

They then kiss again before Hugo asks: “You looking forward to another little spoon?”

Good for them.

Love Island continues tonight on Virgin Media 2 at 9pm.

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