This Playboy Model Is Getting Massive Backlash For Publicly Body-Shaming A Woman At Her Gym

Next time you go to press that 'share' button on Snapchat, think again.

One US model has come under fire from the internet at large today for a very ill-thought out post on Snapchat, which she mistakenly shared with her entire Snapchat story.

Dani Mathers, a glamour model who was voted 2015’s Playmate Of The Year, snapped the photo of another woman getting dressed while at the changing room in her gym.

The photo, showing the other woman naked with her back turned while getting dressed, was captioned “If I can’t unsee this then you can’t either.” Another photo shows Dani with her hand to her mouth, supposedly laughing.

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Although the model deleted the photo from her story soon after, it had already been screengrabbed. Within minutes it was causing outrage on Twitter, with many pointing out that it was potentially a crime to post nude photos of someone without their knowledge.

Earlier today, Dani took to social media to “deeply apologise” for her mistake, and adding that it was meant to be part of “a private conversation… that never should have happened.”

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She also expressed her regret for “spreading negativity and hate” online.

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Here’s hoping she takes a moment to reflect before posting something so potentially hurtful next time.

Wondering if it’s time to STFU online? Read more about the legality of what you share with the world via social media in our August issue – on shelves now.

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