Trending 17th February 2018 by Niamh Foran
Uh Oh… Liam & Cheryl’s Relationship Looks To Be In Some Serious Trouble
Say it ain't so...
We’ve had just about as much as we can take of celeb break ups this year, so you can imagine our upset when we heard of the supposed problems between our faves Liam and Cheryl!
The X Factor power couple have been together since 2015, and welcomed their first son Bear last year.
But all is not well in the Payne household, as the pair are reportedly struggling to spend any time together due to the baby and their busy work schedules.
“Cheryl basically went into hibernation when she got pregnant and has made the decision to be a stay at home mother with no nanny and is looking after Bear herself,” a source told MailOnline.
“She doesn’t like going out much as she used to.
“The fact of the matter is, like most young couple’s with busy work lives and the demands of an infant they have been struggling to spend time together.
“There are the very real strains of trying to adapt to parenthood whilst being in the spotlight and having to appear as though everything is rosy all of the time.
“It is not real life and is not the life Cheryl and Liam are currently living as a couple.”