Sellotape Contouring: The Bonkers Beauty Technique That Might Actually Work

The results speak for themselves.

Sellotape contouring

Just when we thought we’d reached peak contour, in comes another bonkers technique. We’ve had Clown contouring and Yoda and Darth Vadar contouring, but the latest trend is Sellotape contouring.

Yes, you read that correctly, beauty blogger Huda Kattan, from Dubai, uses sticky tape to help her sculpt her cheekbones, posting a short video of the technique on Instagram, where it garnered 216,000 likes.

You simply place the tape as guidelines around the areas you want to apply the foundation that is darker to your skintone. Once applied within the tape, you peel it off and apply a lighter shade of highlighter or foundation and blend. Then ta-da! You are left with Kylie Jenner-esque cheekbones.

By Jennifer Conway.
