9 Reasons Why Being A Miranda Is Great, Actually

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Yesterday, Sex and the City actress Cynthia Nixon announced that she’s running for governor of New York. Yes, she’s giving Miranda Hobbes the perfect end to her storyline, but in real life.

Explaining the reasons for her candidacy on Instagram, she wrote:

I grew up in a one-bedroom fifth floor walk-up, just me and my mom. I’ve spent my whole life in New York – this is where I met my wife, where I’m raising my kids, where I’ve fought for 17 years for better schools, better health care, and LGBTQ equality. I love New Yorkers, and I believe in us. We can make this state better for all our kids (and all our grown-ups, too). We can take on the corruption and dysfunction and fix these problems ourselves.

Nixon has been vocal in her opposition to the Trump presidency and her desire to ‘take back the government’ – if she was elected, she would be the first female and openly gay governor of the state.

For years now, when groups of friends have compared themselves to the SATC ladies, the worst thing that could happen was being named the Miranda of the group. But really, being a Miranda is something to be celebrated – here’s why.

1. You don’t follow the crowd

You carve your own path in work, life and love, and you have no interest in doing what might be ‘expected’ of you. Fair play!

2. And you really don’t care what anyone thinks about that

Woe betide anyone who shames you for your choices, because they’ll be getting a piece of your mind fairly lively.

3. You work hard to get what you want

And you’re not afraid to ask for it, either, both in your professional and personal lives. If that makes you a ‘bitch’, so be it!

4. You are so often the voice of reason in your group

Your friends are always taking flights of fancy and, though it might earn you the label of party pooper, you have to bring them back down to earth. The Carries and the Charlottes need Mirandas to survive, basically.

5. And you’re not afraid to get real when the moment requires it

We all need truth tellers in our lives, and Mirandas are extremely good at doing that (and get a certain amount of joy from doing it, too).

6. But above all you’re a very loyal friend

No matter how busy you are, you’d drop everything to be there for a pal in need. And you’d bring great snacks, too.

7. With a love of food that can overcome any diet fad…

Gagging on cauliflower rice, are you? The Mirandas are having pizza.

8. A wardrobe that is more about comfort and/or professionalism than fashion statements…

Not a chance of you wearing a giant flower growing out of your shoulder a la Carrie.

9. And an attitude that could save the world

All the no-nonsense, confident, intelligent, loyal, strong Mirandas of the world, unite! We sure as hell need you right now.
