Five Easy Ways To Upcycle Your Wardrobe

Slow fashion is the way.

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Sustainability in fashion has never been more important.

Here at STELLAR we’re all about finding ways to cut down on the amount of clothes that we buy – and what better way to do that than by upcycling the clothes you already have?

In a world where fast fashion dominates, upcycling is a creative and sustainable way to give your clothes a new look, while minimising your environmental footprint and helping the earth.

We’ve listed six super easy ways that you can upcycle your wardrobe in no time!


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With Summer just around the corner, most of us will be thinking about buying a new pair of shorts. This year let’s upcycle a pair of old jeans into denim shorts by cutting them to whatever length you like!

Another way to upcycle a pair of jeans is by making a maxi denim skirt. Start by unpicking the seams on the inside legs of the jeans all the way up to the zipper.

Then pin the fabric into the shape you want your skirt and sew together.

We recommend you watch a YouTube tutorial first!


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An easy way to give your jumper a new look is by dyeing it a new colour with some fabric dye.

You could also crop your jumpers for the summer, or if you’re handy with a sewing machine, use the fabric for a tote bag!

T shirt

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If your someone who likes to stay on trend this one’s for you! Grab a t shirt and upcycle it by tying a bow around each arm hole. Now you’ve got yourself a stylish new tee.

Another trendy way to upcycle a plain t shirt is to sew a design onto it using small beads.


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Upcycle a plain dress by adding a belt, changing the neckline, or dyeing it a different colour for a fresh look.

You could also upcycle a dress into a top by cutting and sewing it.


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Repurpose a scarf by using it as a headband or hair accessory. If the scarf is long enough you could also try to wear it as a top by simply wrapping the scarf around you.

Another way to make a top out of your scarf would be to first put the scarf around your neck as normal and then take a big hoop earring and feed the material through the hoop.

Then use the two bits of material that you’ve fed through the hoop and tie them together at your back. It makes the perfect going out top for summer.

Words by Grace Sweeney
