9th October 2020
It has been over 20 years since the first episode of the hit TV show aired!
31st August 2020
It's fiction meets real life, and we're obsessed.
2nd July 2020
Still a ride
24th October 2019
Sex and the City theories will never grow old.
Fashion and Beauty
2nd May 2019
20th November 2018
Now we're kind of glad this fell through.
Celeb goss
12th October 2018
It took a Sex and the City rewatch to make our Girlo notice the similarities.
16th July 2018
Twenty years after it leapt on to our screens, Vicki Notaro unravels what SATC meant to her.
4th June 2018
20th March 2018
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Gimme more