Real Talk
1st September 2015
From the commitment scared to the guy who just won't grow up, we bet these bad-for-you guys seem all too familiar, and you can do so much better, girl.
Love & Sex
20th August 2015
After time apart the pair of you have decided to give it another go. Here's how to make getting back together work for you.
19th August 2015
If the following sounds all too familiar, you and your fella could very well be stuck in a tech trap – and that's definitely bad news for your relationship.
17th August 2015
Reckon you'll never get over that split? Neither did these readers. Here's how they finally made a break from the past...
13th August 2015
If you can tick yes to any of these signs chances are you and bae aren't in it for the long haul.
12th August 2015
Are you guilty of abandoning your mates when a new fella is on the scene? No sweat, here's how to keep everyone happy...
10th August 2015
After an absolutely morto experience, our dating columnist has found herself a fella.
6th August 2015
We've always wondered what goes through his head while doing the deed, so we asked some of our closest guy friends to find out.
5th August 2015
Has he been acting a bit jeal, calling you on the reg and inviting you to hang out with his mates? Sounds like he's just that into you, lady friend.
3rd August 2015
We asked five guys what makes them swipe right on Tinder and it turns out men can be waaaaay harsh.
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